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    Flight Geography

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    Notification of an Open Tender
    • FGUP "South Sakhalinsk Airport", as the organizer of the competition, hereby invites legal entities to participate in an open one-stage tender without preliminary qualification for the right to conclude a contract for providing financial services.
    • Place of service: South Sakhalinsk, Airport.
    • Contract subject: Provision of an overdraft loan for a minimum term of 180 days with a maximum limit of 7,000,000 (seven million) rubles.
    • Initial (maximum) contract price (lot price) - maximum interest rate (maximum value of borrowing cost parameters in annual percentage): 18% (eighteen percent) per annum.
    • Place, date, and time for opening envelopes with applications for participation in the tender: 693014, South Sakhalinsk, Airport, Building No. 1, Office No. 19, February 24, 2010, at 10:00 AM local time.

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